Mortgage Hub

For Self Employed and Business Owners

  • Accounts

    Mortgages granted with as little as your first years accounts.

    Whether you trade as a Sole Trader, within a Limited Company or a Partnership, we navigate the High Street and Specialist Lenders to get you the mortgage you need.

  • Company Directors

    Whether your shareholding is 1% or 99% we understand the often complex nature of your income.

    Pehaps your salary and dividends are low but your retained profit is high. We can guide you to the best possible outcome.

  • Contractors

    We are specialists here and can find you your dream Mortgage.

    You might be a day rate contractor paying your own tax, PAYE on short term contracts or working via an umbrella company. We know the right lender out there for you.

  • Large Mortgages

    Getting that large loan agreed is heavily dependent on the lender’s attitude.

    To secure the best income stretch we navigate the High Street and Private Banks to get the ultimate Mortgage for you.

The Self Employed Mortgage Experts

Developing a feel for lenders attitude to different types of borrowers sets us aside. Rarely are two self employed borrowers the same and understanding how the financials of your business are interpreted by different lenders is the real skill. Everyone says they welcome self employed customers but the reality is often very different. 

Having established a mortgage desk and department in a national accountancy practise, Peter, our director honed his skills and met a wide range of self employed clients of every type. Developing an advanced skillset in arranging mortgages for fast moving entrepreneurs, public figures and professional sports people.

Our highly skilled Senior Adviser, Jack, started his career in accountancy before moving into Mortgage Advice, joining Peter at the national accountancy practice and later joining Haus Advisory.

Having seen ‘both sides of the desk’ Jack has a keen eye for the struggles that the Self Employed and Business Owners can have when applying for a mortgage, finding solutions where others have failed.

Where We Can Help

Company Directors

This will vary a lot between different lenders, many fall between the mortgage underwriting gaps. We can guide you to the best outcome for you.

Day Rate Contractors

Regardless of how you declare your income we have access to lenders who will use the annual equivalent of your day rate contract.

Business Profit

Using our experience to navigate your accounts and the lenders criteria on offer, we can direct you to the best lender for you.

Rejected Elsewhere

You may have struggled with other brokers, or even declined by your own bank. Our expertise helps guide you to the best possible solution.

Multiple Businesses

You may have more than one business that you successfully operate with income from different sources, including group structures.

Bumpy Income

If your income has recently soared to very high levels, comes in large lumps, or even has dropped recently then lenders may get nervous. We can help.

Latest Year Only

If your latest years accounts paint the best picture and are backed up by current trade then we can look to use the latest years figures only.

Interest Only

We can guide you through the maze of options that you need to go through to secure an interest only mortgage, if this is suitable for you.

Adverse Credit

If your credit score has suffered through an adverse credit event then we can help navigate you through to the best possible lender.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much can I borrow?

This will vary a lot between different lenders, more so than for employed people. We can guide you to the best outcome for you.

Do all lenders ask for the same documents?

Some lenders will work exclusively from your personal tax return. Other lenders will factor in the profit your limited company makes, so no.

Can you secure a larger mortgage?

Using our experience to navigate your accounts and the lenders criteria on offer, we can direct you to the best lender for you.

Will the interest rate be higher because I am self employed?

This should not be the case if you have a decent credit score and you are able to provide financial statements.

Do I need to put a larger deposit down because I am self employed?

We can look at mortgages for self employed applicants with 1 years of accounts buying with a 5% deposit, but a larger deposit means more choice.

My income fluctuates, how will this impact my ability to get a mortgage?

Track record is key but some lenders get scared when things get too exciting, we will direct you to the best lender for your fluctuating figures.

Get in touch.